6 Things To Look Forward To In Autumn

Hooray, it’s autumn! 22nd September is the official first day of autumn, even though if it does feel like it’s been around for weeks. And so begins the best season of all - it has the best light, the best temperature and by far the best food. It also has the best name of all the seasons - any word that is all ‘u’s and has an ‘m’ and an ’n’ next to each other knows it’s fabulous.Here are six things to love about this most lovable month.

Going outdoors

Autumn is just about the best time to get outside. Not so hot that you’re a sweaty mess, not so cold that shivering, and kicking the leaves to keep warm. The last of the berries, the animals rushing around getting ready for winter. There is that amazing golden light as the sun settles itself down in the sky, and you get to see more sunrises and sunsets.This is why we’re focusing on getting outside this autumn on Simple & Season. Look for great walk ideas, warming autumn recipes, the best walking woolies and making your home a cosy nest to come home to.Autumn Leaves

Knowing what to wear

Chunky knits, layers, hairy legs under skinny trousers and woolly socks in boots. I love lazy and warm A/W fashion. But what I love the most is knowing FOR SURE that you’ll need a coat. None of that British summer ‘will it be warm, will it be cold, will it start raining in three hours?’ nonsense. Wrap up warm and get on with it.

Game season

Sorry to the veggies, but autumn is all about game. Venison, guineafowl, pheasant are all coming into season so get out to your favourite restaurant and start eating. I personally cannot wait to wave goodbye to wishy washy summer salads and dive head first into deep, rich flavours and gravies to die for.Image courtesy of my other half

Reliving your childhood

Now that we’re just about adults, Christmas is all about being busy at work and balancing budgets. Autumn is where we can let our little kid out. Whether it’s kicking up leaves and giggling as they crunch, collecting pocket fulls of conkers or cooing at fireworks with a hot dog, autumn is all about nostalgia. All with the added bonus of being allowed wiiiiiiine.

Country pubs

Yes a pub garden is a lovely idea in summer, then you remember wasps. Much better is a big glass of smokey red wine on a leather sofa in front of a lovely, stinky wood fire. Don’t feel sad you city dwellers - a lovely dark, wood panelled pub does just the job too.Image courtesy of @honestygroup

Making lists

There’s something about the back to school vibes of autumn that makes me feel like getting super organised. Whether it’s going mad for stationary and planners, planning next year’s holidays or setting goals to complete before the year is done, now is a great time for planning. Even if it’s just writing your Christmas list (I may or may not have had mine since August…). 

What are you looking forward to this season?


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