Legacy Materials
Hello! You have found yourself on this page because you followed an old link or have investigated deep enough to find my old marketing courses. While I no longer promote these programmes, they are still here quietly available for anyone who manages to make their way to this page. Use the links below to read more.
A course for those in the very early stages of setting up their business who are overwhelmed by all the advice and want to find a marketing strategy that feels right to them. We’ll cover start up planning, easy and accessible marketing options and help you to prioritise what will work best for you here at the beginning of your journey.
Content helps you get found and create community, so this revamped version of my earlier course covers all things content marketing, from blogging to social media, audio to video. We’ll look at planning, ideation, creation and promotion to help give you the tools to finally be consistent, regular and on-brand with your content.
The Playbook
For coaches, teachers and facilitators struggling to market and sell the intangibility of what they do. It’s a structure to follow when you feel lost, and a toolkit of tactics to carry with you. It’s everything I could possibly tell you about building a unique and impactful business. Take control, shine your light, make your impact
The Customer Kit
The answers are with your customer: if you have a marketing dilemma or feel you’re screaming into the void, you will always find a solution with your customer. This rigorous Kit guides you to identify, locate and talk to your ideal customer with exercises, prompts and templates.
You’re not sure how you got here because you did everything right: you set all the goals and you worked towards them and you hit most of them so why does it all feel so… empty?
The answer is quite simple. You didn’t do anything wrong, you’re now just following an out of date map. If you want a life that’s true, a life that’s yours, a life worth living - well, you need to tear up the old maps and create one that’s pure you.
Your Beautiful Creative Process
YBCP is a practical self- led course that guides you through the fundamental steps of establishing a process; it also brings you to a closer understanding of yourself for gentler, kinder life. Get ready to rethink everything you thought you had to do to be productive, retell your old stories and create a pleasurable working style that gives you the confidence and knowledge to follow through on your meaningful work.
Do Your Thing
Do Your Thing is a package of templates, worksheets, pep talks and prompts to help you start, continue and finish Your Thing. Whether you have a business or not, Do Your Thing is a structure to help you take the Thing in your head that’s been nagging you and bring it into existence. In spite of the fear, the what if’s, the am-I-good-enough’s - you’re finally going to Do Your Thing.
Make More Time
Make More Time is a package of how to’s, worksheets, pep talks and prompts to help you perceive, prioritise and plan your time. Whether you have a business or not, Make More Time is a way of approaching time management that is efficient, impactful and joyful. No more putting it off, giving in or going along with it - let’s make you more time.