The Blog

The emotions, actions and thought processes of my creative work.

This is where I share what I’m doing and why, how I’m thrashing out problems and what I’m trying to achieve.

Q3 2020 Review
Simple Working Simple Working

Q3 2020 Review

When I scroll back through the blog I see it was only a few posts ago that I published the quarterly review of Q2, and that, in itself, is an apt metaphor for Q3: the summer months were personally tumultuous and, as such, I struggled both with creativity and being visible in my business. Let’s get into my Q3 2020 review, shall we?

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The Fetishisation Of Implementation

The Fetishisation Of Implementation

“It’s all meaningless unless you’re taking action”. That might not be the exact quote, but I have certainly said words to that effect numerous times over the years. To some extent, I do still believe it: if you’re just thinking about doing something, you’re not really doing it. In order to have a business, a new product, a change of direction you need to take action rather than plan it for six years. I do, however, think that it’s possible to put too much emphasis on action and implementation – and that I have definitely been doing so. There is a true difference between the fetishisation of implementation and actually doing something.

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