Grow With Soul: Episode 133 - To Routine or Not To Routine, with Sasha

Today is, shall we say, a low energy episode with Sasha. We were both feeling a little meh about things, and decided to talk our way to why that was. We touch on surrender, the seasons, go into morning and night time routines - and do you need them - big picture vs day to day, and also all the word play around being and having confidence. Life is tiring, so come be tired with us.

What we talk about in this episode: 

  • Listening to our bodies

  • Having confidence

  • How we feel about morning and nighttime routines

  • How breaking your routine can be part of your routine

  • How life makes us tired!

    Sasha's website, Instagram, and Substack

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Grow With Soul: Episode 134 - Reflections From A Launch


Grow With Soul: Episode 132 - How To Manage Your Energy