Mid Week Eat: Big Bean Stew

It’s easy to eat seasonally with a whole lazy Sunday and 6 hours to roast a joint ahead of you. It’s more difficult when you get in from work late and all you want to do is order a pizza. My Mid-Week-Eats recipes are all quick, really easy and made mostly using ingredients you’ll already have in your cupboards.

This stew is inspired by one I saw Rick Stein make, just without the overnight stewing. It’s great for using up leftover veg or meat, and it works as a meal in itself or as an accompaniment.Makes 2 portionsIngredients1 onion (either red or white)1 clove of garlicPaprikaOil1 tin of tomatoes1 tin of butter beansAny left over veg or meat
  1. Pre-heat your oven to a low heat (about gas mark 4)
  2. Chop your onions. I chop mine nice and fine but if you like a more chunky, rustically chopped onion there’s no rules here.
  3. Crush the garlic and add it to a pan with the onions and a glut of oil. Season. Cook them through on a low heat until they’re soft and see through (should take about 10 minutes). At the end I turn the heat up a little so they catch the pan - it adds a nice caramel flavour.
  4. Add the paprika, the tomatoes and beans. Season with salt, pepper and sugar, and pop in a Bay leaf if you have one. Heat through until it starts to bubble.
  5. Throw in any veg you have. I’ve used frozen peas because the spinach I was going to use was rather beyond saving. If you’re adding meat to the stew, cook it off first.
  6. Put the pot in the oven for 30 minutes.
  7. Serve. I’ve topped mine with feta, but it’s also great with sausages and lamb.

3 Things To Eat This Month


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