3 Things To Eat This Month

It's September, the month where we have one foot in summer and one foot in autumn. The autumn equinox isn't until the end of the month, yet the heady heat of summer, and the salads and strawberries that come with it, are all gone. So what's seasonal to eat this month?

Last of the Summer Produce

September is the last stand of summer, and soon all the summery fruits and vegetables will be gone. So gorge yourself with raspberries, peaches and plums while you still can! Also saying goodbye this month are the mediterranean vegetables - aubergine, courgette, french beans, peppers. Why not treat yourself to an end of summer veggie treat?

Autumnal Poultry

Back in season this month are the birds duck and guinea fowl. They're the perfect September meat - not quite wintery, not quite summery, they're light with a gamey flavour. Perhaps not the sort of thing you’re going to be cooking on a Tuesday night, but look out for them on menus if you’re going out to eat this month.

Apple and Blackberry...anything

September Sundays were made for blackberrying and baking. Blackberries are at their best this month, so whether you prefer a crumble, a pie or a cobbler, make the most of it!
What are you cooking up this month?

How To Plan For Happiness


Mid Week Eat: Big Bean Stew