Inspirational Reads - The Simple Things

Sometimes we all fall a little short in the inspiration stakes. Times when it can be easier to slob out on the sofa with a takeaway rather than get outside or cook from scratch. And that’s ok. But to help you re-kick start your simple lifestyle, there’s inspirational reads: blogs, magazines and books full of ideas and interesting people to get you back on your chosen track.

The Simple Things Magazine

The Concept

The Simple Things is basically this blog in five years time. Their motto is 'taking time to live well', which includes allotment-ing, adventures, home inspiration and interesting people.

The Contents

As you can no doubt tell from my own blog menu, I love neatly ordered categories. The Simple Things fulfils this inate need by splitting the mag into Fresh, Living, Escape, Think and Nest - which sound divine just on their own right? The good thing is that there's something for everyone. Even if you, like me, can't grow veg or properly decorate your rented house, there is some lovely inspiration for days out and generally slowing down.What I love is that each piece is engrossing; as a whole it's so well thought out, with no weak links. It's the perfect slow read (it's taken me all month) for slow living.

Perfect for…

Ideas for days out, veg patch envy, thought provoking articles and a peek inside the homes of your favourite bloggers.Find The Simple Things in your local supermarket, online and on Twitter.


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