The Blog
The emotions, actions and thought processes of my creative work.
This is where I share what I’m doing and why, how I’m thrashing out problems and what I’m trying to achieve.

How To Stop Being A Perfectionist
“Oh yes, I’m a perfectionist” – that’s always been my default position. At school, if my exercise book had an unruly dot or ink flick, I would carefully eek the page out from the staples and start again clean. There was a time in primary school where we thought I might need extra time in exams because I was so slow doing my work, but actually, I was attempting to complete each task to microscopic levels of perfection. As an adult, this morphed into an inability to take criticism and flat refusals to try anything new – as both would show the world that I was less than perfect.

Q1 2020 Quarterly Review
It was always my plan that this year I would share my quarterly reviews on the blog, although I hadn’t expected to be publishing the first one in the midst of a global pandemic. While it is not my intention to spend this whole post discussing tragedy, as a planet Q1 has been destructive and traumatic: Australia on fire, devastating storms and floods and now a global lockdown and millions of lives irreparably changed by a virus.

Getting Into A Focused Mindset For A Productive Day
Sometimes we just need to have a really productive day. Maybe there’s a looming deadline, maybe you’ve got behind on your to-do list for the week or maybe you’ve got a precious free Saturday to work on your business. Whatever the reason, there’s an amount of pressure on that day – it weighs heavy with your expectations and you’re worried that you won’t be able to ‘make the most of it’.

What My Working Week And 4 Hour Days Look Like
“It’s rare I work more than four hours a day.” The words came out of my mouth quite nonchalantly; it was, after all, the truth of my day to day in my business.

Renegotiating My Relationship With Instagram
A few months ago, Instagram and I reached an impasse. It had been a long time coming. For a while I had struggled with showing up there, feeling bound to it by its necessity to my business but deeply uncomfortable with all the layers of the ropes that weren’t really working for anyone.

A 3 Step Process To Lose The Dread Of ‘I Have To’
Something I encounter pervasively is the feeling we ‘have to’ do something in our business that feels draining or just ‘not right’. This is not just in the women I work with, but also within myself – I really feel the weight of expectation and duty without remembering to really question it.

Can You Start A Business Before You’ve Got A Product Or Service?
I was asked this question directly, but have also seen variations of it wafting around the internet: “can I start a business when I don’t know what I want to do yet?”

The Problem With Intention
This is a story about what happens when the balance between intention and action gets knocked out of equilibrium.

Loneliness and the Lies We Tell
When we first told the family we were moving away, my mum told me “you’ll be lonely”. And of course, from that point on, I was adamant I wouldn’t be.

Understanding The Customer Journey
If you listen to Grow With Soul you will have heard me mention The Customer Journey off hand in several coaching episodes, and I’m conscious that I haven’t really gone into the theory of it.
5 Steps To Creating Effective Blog Content For Your Business
On the face of it, writing blog content seems like it should be pretty easy: pick a topic, write something interesting about it, hit publish. But writing effective blog content takes more thought and strategy to make it work really hard for you and your business.

How To Come Up With Quality Blog Content Ideas
Whenever I start working with my coaching clients on their content strategy they all start off worrying about the same thing: blog content ideas. The problem is that there’s too much choice – with seemingly everything in the whole world available as a topic to write about we are paralysed by all the options, while our peers and influencers doing really cool things with their content turns our heads and makes us think ‘maybe I should be doing that…’. All the noise makes it hard for us to focus on building our lane, not to mention staying in it once we’ve made it.