The Blog

The emotions, actions and thought processes of my creative work.

This is where I share what I’m doing and why, how I’m thrashing out problems and what I’m trying to achieve.

The Eco Lightbulb Principle Of Change

The Eco Lightbulb Principle Of Change

What I am learning, acutely, about change is that it happens glacially over time. Obviously, we don’t want it to happen like this. We want to stand on top of a mountain under a beam of sunlight and shout “I Have Changed” and for that to be all it takes. We want the change of the films we grew up with, where the impossible situation resolves itself and the boy realises he loves her five minutes before the end.

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Goals, Intentions and Word Of The Year 2021

Goals, Intentions and Word Of The Year 2021

This new year is different. This new year there is not the clean break to “start again” that other years have. Of course this is always the case; the ticking over of a digit at the end of the year denotes nothing but our human need to control and measure time. Usually we manage to kid ourselves that the ticking over is meaningful, that it can birth us anew into a whole different world – but this year, with ongoing lockdowns and vaccine rollouts and continuing deaths around the world, it is harder to feel the change in the air.

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End Of Year Thoughts 2020
Simple Living Simple Living

End Of Year Thoughts 2020

For the last three years I have published an End Of Year Review here. They have always been some of my favourite things to read and my favourite things to write – a chance to share everything that happened behind the scenes that made up the whole year. This year, however, is a little different. This year there are too many untied loose ends, too many still misplaced hopes and too much not processed that it just isn’t the right time to share my usual warts and all review. I did think, though, that I would share some end of year thoughts for 2020 that are arising as I reflect on the changes that I have been making – and I actually think this has worked out better than usual.

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Your Big Picture Is In Your Every Day

Your Big Picture Is In Your Every Day

Do you ever write something and think, “huh, that’s good, I should probably take that on board myself”? I like to think of these moments as your soul, while it wrestles with all your conditioning, throwing a line of rope out to you in the hopes you’ll see it and start pulling. When you’re daydreaming and think, “Wow, that was profound” or explaining something to someone and realise “I never actually looked at it like that before.” These are all little nuggets trying to bring your attention to the knowing and truth inside of you.

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Experiments in Time Management: Turning Off The TV
Simple Living Simple Living

Experiments in Time Management: Turning Off The TV

I’ve spoken about the effects of neglecting your phone on your productivity before, but this week I’ve been practising ignoring another technological intrusion: the television. At the risk of sounding like a pearl-clutching commentator from the 1990s lamenting that TV is ‘desensitising the children’, I have to admit that it has desensitised me. But let me start somewhere at the beginning.

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How I Got Into Tarot & Use It In My Business
Simple Living Simple Living

How I Got Into Tarot & Use It In My Business

Every time I post a tarot spread on my Stories, as well as a flurry of unfollows (!) I always get questions about what I’m using and how. Tarot is a tool I use daily as part of my year of being Powerful, with everything from morning intentions to big decision making, but just a little over a year ago it was something I would have never even entertained the prospect of. So today, I thought I would share how and why I got into tarot, how I use it in my business and the resources I use.

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The Work/Life Graph
Simple Living Simple Living

The Work/Life Graph

I’ve been thinking a lot about balance lately, and trying to figure out how to inject more living into my life. I love my work a little too much, so much so that it has become more or less all I think about, talk about and do with my days.

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Postcards From Bruges, A Slow Travel Guide
Simple Living Simple Living

Postcards From Bruges, A Slow Travel Guide

We got the train to Bruges, an affair infinitely more civilised than air travel. Although the Eurostar trains are sleek are modern, there is still a hint of the golden age of travel in the air as, laden with luggage, you saunter along the platform toward your cross-continental journey (this is not the ‘stick your elbows out to get a seat’ train travel we’re used to on the West Coast mainline).

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On Being Brave In Your Work
Simple Living Simple Living

On Being Brave In Your Work

In the middle of June I went to the Blogtacular conference in London, an opportunity to go listen to some talks and meet some online chums. As always, in the break after sessions people ask what talk you’ve just been to and whether it was any good.

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5 Simple Living Shifts For Summer
Simple Living Simple Living

5 Simple Living Shifts For Summer

What kind of a season is summer? With it's endless, cloudless days, sticky drips of ice cream and overhead buzz and flutter of transient birds and insects? It's a season, to me, of both rest and projects. After a spring of 'hustle' and growth there is now space and opportunity to enjoy the fruits of that labour, while this same space reinvigorates inspiration and creativity and brings new ideas to the fore.

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How To Plan Your Own Micro-Adventures - with Victorinox*
Simple Living Simple Living

How To Plan Your Own Micro-Adventures - with Victorinox*

[Sponsored content] Over the last month I’ve been undertaking a series of micro-adventures as part of Victorinox’s Modern Pathfinder campaign, and you know what? It’s been one big realisation for me about this whole simple living thing. I’ve written before about how I always feel like I need to be doing more in order to be slow living ‘properly’, and this is something I find very difficult to shake.

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A 'Follow Your Curiosity' Weekend Getaway
Simple Living Simple Living

A 'Follow Your Curiosity' Weekend Getaway

How I’ve been agonising about the first line of this post! How to communicate in a pithy hook of a sentence the magnitude of a weekend spent in deep conversation and contemplation, following creative curiosity and changing my whole approach and understanding of my work. On this weekend I learned so much about myself and how my past is still affecting my present, and took away some really life-transforming lessons.

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Why Is Slow Living So Hard To Write About?
Simple Living Simple Living

Why Is Slow Living So Hard To Write About?

It’s been quite a while since I’ve written anything lifestyle-y here (and completely ignoring my own advice about balancing content in the process). Over the last few months I’ve found it really hard to come up with ideas for writing about slow living. When I’m talking about marketing I’ve got it down; I know exactly what I want to say, what people want to hear and how I can provide value.

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