Get Involved: Blogger Christmas Gift Swap

I've been putting off this post because I felt it was too early to start thinking about Christmas, but I just can't hold it in any longer! I've had my first mince pie, the shops are slowly filling with red and I'm starting to get booked up with December do's - the holidays are most definitely coming.One of my favourite things about Christmas is giving presents. I've always been an awkward receiver of presents and refuse to open a gift in front of the person who's given it to me. What are you supposed to do with your face in that situation?! But I love that feeling of finding something that you know will absolutely blow the recipient away and that they'll love so much. I love choosing the paper and tying it with a ribbon. I  basically just like to win at Christmas.Which is why the #apovgiftswap was basically just made for me. It's a beautiful way for bloggers to discover each other and to send a gift to a stranger who will become a friend. Obviously we want as many people as possible to sign up, which you can do over on A Piece of Viola. The deadline is 1st November, so go over there now!


Mid Week Eat: Sausage and Root Veg Tray Bake


A Letter on Not Giving Up