Mid Week Eat: Sausage and Root Veg Tray Bake

It’s easy to eat seasonally with a whole lazy Sunday and 6 hours to roast a joint ahead of you. It’s more difficult when you get in from work late and all you want to do is order a pizza. My Mid-Week-Eats recipes are all quick, really easy and made mostly using ingredients you’ll already have in your cupboards. No trailing round various health food shops to source a weird paste anymore.

 It doesn't get much more autumnal than this - juicy sausages, seasonal veg in all the autumn colours, a sticky heavenly mess. This is perfect mid week or as a post-walk rejuvenator on a Sunday.As with all our Mid Week Eats, you can adapt the ingredients to fit whatever you have in the fridge, but I must insist on using seasonal root veg to really get the autumnal feels. As well as or instead of the veg I've used, you can have swede, parsnips pr potatoes. Equally, you can choose your juice. I used honey and mustard, you can use gravy/stock, or tinned tomatoes for a stewier dish.Makes 2 portionsHalf a butternut squash, peeled and diced into bitesized pieces1 large red onion, cut into eighths1 large betroot, peeled and chopped into bitesized pieces3 or so carrots, peeled and chopped into bitesized piecesA couple of cloves of garlic, split with a knife4-6 sausages (veggie or meaty)Honey and wholegrain mustard / honey and mustard dressing (or your choice of sauce)

  1. Throw all your veggies and the sausages into a baking tray
  2. Season with salt and pepper and drizzle with oil and your sauce
  3. If using honey and mustard, daub the honey over the sausages so they get a nice sticky glaze
  4. Bake at a medium temperature (Gas Mark 6 or 7) for about 40 minutes, checking and shaking regularly
  5. If your sausages start to burn on top, cover them over with the vegetables
  6. Turn the heat up for the last ten minutes or so to thicken up the liquid the vegetables have been giving out
  7. Drizzle with a little balsamic vinegar just before serving to cut through the richness a little
  8. Serve and enjoy

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