Inspirational Reads - A Bookish Baker

Sometimes we all fall a little short in the inspiration stakes. Times when it can be easier to slob out on the sofa with a takeaway rather than get outside or cook from scratch. And that’s ok. But to help you re-kick start your simple lifestyle, there’s inspirational reads: blogs, magazines and books full of ideas and interesting people to get you back on your chosen track.

A Bookish Baker Blog

A Bookish Baker is the blog that made me want to blog. It's inspirational for two reasons: firstly because Helen's photography and stories about country life are totally jealousy-inducing for people like us, but also because she's so lovably relatable. She speaks openly about her self-doubt, showing that if someone as talented as her has these feelings then there's hope for the rest of us yet.All images reproduced with permission from Helen Redfern.

The Concept

A Bookish Baker is the lifestyle blog of Helen Redfern, documenting her journey as a chicken-keeping writer and editor living in the country.

The Contents

A happy mixture of blogs and vlogs, Helen talks about her novel and writing, the eccentricities of her chickens and, unsurprisingly, books and baking! Written with Helen's distinctive and creative voice, it feels like sitting down with a cuppa in a country farm house, being fussed over and having a stimulating conversation all at the same time.

Perfect for…

Pretending that you have Helen's life! If you like a mix of interesting and practical and whimsical and thoughtful posts (like I do), then A Bookish Baker is perfect for you. Make sure you also follow A Bookish Baker on Instagram because her pictures will make you sick with how nice they are.SaveSave


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