Mid Week Eat: Sling Together Stew

It’s easy to eat seasonally with a whole lazy Sunday and 6 hours to roast a joint ahead of you. It’s more difficult when you get in from work late and all you want to do is order a pizza. My Mid-Week-Eats recipes are all quick, really easy and made mostly using ingredients you’ll already have in your cupboards. No trailing round various health food shops to source a weird paste anymore.

 This is the most genuine Mid Week Eat I think I've ever made. Car trouble made a trip to the shops impossible, so I had to improvise with what was in the cupboards and freezer. No matter how bare your larder, you should be able to sling together a stew based on whatever you have. Depending on how much time you have you can make this in 20 minutes or 2 hours.I've included lots of options in the ingredients...Makes 2 portions1 tin of beans - chick peas, butter beans, kidney beans, whatever you have1 tin of tomatoes1 onion1 garlic cloveSausage, chicken, bacon, cheese - anything you have in the freezer or fridge

  1. Soften the onions and garlic over a low heat  -
  2. Add the tomatoes
  3. Choose your flavourings - cumin and curry powder work well, as do herbs like oregano. Go with your mood. Cook for as long as you have
  4. Add your beans
  5. Don't over-stew your beans, 15 minutes should do it
  6. Serve as it is or add some protein - I fried off chunks of sausages and chucked them in too

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