Rethinking the New Year's Resolution

How often around this time of year do you hear the words "I'm not making any resolutions because I always break them"?I do make one each year, even though I'm hopeless at them - last year's, to read a few pages of a book every day, was broken by January 2nd. Those of you as into corporate planning acronyms as I am will no doubt know the mantra that goals must be SMART - Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic and Time-bound. These work really well for deadlines and projects, but not so well for a self-development challenge that will be difficult and easy to break.That was the trouble with last year's resolution - it was so specific that failure was almost guaranteed. Ultra-specific goals are too inflexible to fit around our lives and the people we will grow into during the year.To me, a resolution shouldn't be like a project, shouldn't be specific and attainable. We're measured in every single facet of our lives - at work, in our social circles, by society at large. Why do we insist on doing it to ourselves?

Resolutions should be inspiring, empowering and life-affirming, not yet another stick to beat ourselves with.

This is why I'm changing the resolution routine. I've read some inspiring stuff about using carefully chosen words to keep focused throughout the year (I recommend Sally at The Cafe Cat's post On Resolutions). I love the idea of an ethos and a direction that you cling to in every aspect of your life, defining your decisions and activities and helping you achieve your goals in a positive way - a New Year's Reso-Mantra.So what's mine?My whole life I've been an impatient and impulsive planner. That may seem like a contradiction in terms, but I always decide on impulse I want to do something, then impatiently plan it out to the n-th degree. I live in the future, and am always desperate to move onto the next thing - at school I couldn't wait for university, at uni I couldn't wait to get a job, in my first job I couldn't wait for the next job.As an impatient planner I'm not very good at following through and executing. Which is why my love, passion and commitment to this little blog has surprised and delighted me this year, and is cause for a little fist pump of pride. And I want to continue that in to other aspects of my life with my 2017 ethos:

Commitment to Purpose

It doesn't trip off the tongue quite as happily as other slogans might, but I like its gravity and it resonates with me. It reminds me to see things through, not to flit from one thing to the next, and ultimately be purposeful in my life. There are things I've been lax with, and if I tried to make each one a specific resolution I'd be overwhelmed. My ethos allows me look at and commit to each one as part of a whole.

So what am I committing to in 2017?


I've got lazy with cooking. Over the last few months my evening meals have become more a tasting menu of snacks throughout the evening. I want to get back into cooking fresh meals and feeling the nutrients again. I'll start by committing to three times a week.


I pay an ungodly amount for a gym membership and have a mountain bike that has been ridden once. I love my yoga and Body Balance when I'm doing it, I just struggle to get there. I need to commit to moving my body more, to feeling strong and, well, you know, tightening up. I will aim to exercise 4 times a week - 2 classes, 1 netball match and a swim or a ride.


I'm an introverted little squirrel and quite often bail at the slightest excuse. I must follow through with social engagements, I must get out there more and meet new people (holla if you want a coffee!). I also definitely need to stop being so scared of interacting with people on social media - I'm awful at returning all your lovely comments and must improve on that.


I need to do what I say I'm going to do (case in point - October's Monthly Simplify was only completed last week - whoops!). I need to do those necessary chores and things that have to be done. I need to get on top of housework and routine.


This is the biggie. I've had lots of thoughts about what I want to do with my life, thoughts I'm too apprehensive to share. I need to commit to those dreams, and make them happen. That includes, of course, continuing with the blog and Instagram, and getting better at Twitter, as well as being more organised, asking for what I want, and generally being a total girl boss. Tips and support greatly welcomed!

What are your resolutions this year? Are you tempted to go for a Reso-Mantra instead?


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