The Blog

The emotions, actions and thought processes of my creative work.

This is where I share what I’m doing and why, how I’m thrashing out problems and what I’m trying to achieve.

How To Come Up With Quality Blog Content Ideas
Simple Marketing Simple Marketing

How To Come Up With Quality Blog Content Ideas

Whenever I start working with my coaching clients on their content strategy they all start off worrying about the same thing: blog content ideas. The problem is that there’s too much choice – with seemingly everything in the whole world available as a topic to write about we are paralysed by all the options, while our peers and influencers doing really cool things with their content turns our heads and makes us think ‘maybe I should be doing that…’. All the noise makes it hard for us to focus on building our lane, not to mention staying in it once we’ve made it.

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How To Write Instagram Captions That Engage Your Audience
Simple Marketing Simple Marketing

How To Write Instagram Captions That Engage Your Audience

Instagram may be all about the image, but a large proportion of it is all about the caption too. If you want to build community then writing Instagram captions that engage is really important for increasing meaningful interactions on the app. During February’s The Insta Chat Twitter chat, a poll of the participants showed that 91% of them read the captions on posts more often than not.

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How To Style A Cup Of Tea

How To Style A Cup Of Tea

You’ve probably noticed, but my go-to prop for Instagram photos is a cup of tea. Partly this is because the photos I take featuring rosie-lea are always my most popular – take a look at my most popular posts below for that evidence. I always know that if I’m in an engagement slump then a good ol’ cuppa will be sure to get me out of it. But of course, it’s not all about the likes and validation, there are lots of reasons why I’m drawn to tea as a prop.

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