The Blog

The emotions, actions and thought processes of my creative work.

This is where I share what I’m doing and why, how I’m thrashing out problems and what I’m trying to achieve.

Making Work Beautiful
Kayte Ferris Kayte Ferris

Making Work Beautiful

For as long as I can remember, work has been a rush. I was always late for school, and then always late for work. In my own business I was always right up against deadline, putting things off until they had to be done with all the other things that also had to be done. Always pushing and striving for more, never really doing what I was doing in the moment but a few steps ahead.

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The Importance Of Changing Your Mind
Kayte Ferris Kayte Ferris

The Importance Of Changing Your Mind

You may have seen me sharing my to do lists on Instagram Stories, and if you’ve seen that you’ll have seen how often I change my mind. It can be little things, like writing this post on Monday not Friday, or doing a podcast episode about y instead of x. Or sometimes it’s big things like taking all the focus and content plans for autumn, and doing the opposite.

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9 Observations At 2 Years Single
Kayte Ferris Kayte Ferris

9 Observations At 2 Years Single

I have now been single for two years. This, at 31, is the longest period of time I have not had a boyfriend since I was 12 years old. Which is… kinda frightening as a stat. Because I was so young, yes, but also because for seventeen years there was someone else in and around my life.

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Notes For A Life Do Over
Kayte Ferris Kayte Ferris

Notes For A Life Do Over

A while ago I was on my afternoon lap of the country roads when I passed a girl who was about sixteen. She had her ear buds in but she looked up a beamed broadly at me, a smile I recognised as the one I always used to do to signal to grown ups that I wasn’t one of the scary teenagers, I was a good one. As I smiled back the thought in my head was “god I wish I could switch places with you”.

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Fulfilment Is Boring
Kayte Ferris Kayte Ferris

Fulfilment Is Boring

Launching The Cabin has shown me the problem with fulfilment. Well, not fulfilment itself, but talking about it. I have found it hard to talk about fulfilment because it is so “is that it?”.

Maybe you find this. The desire for fulfilment to be something more than just what you want. The expectation that it is this magical thing glinting on a hill top, and then the disappointment when you find that it's just… doing more of what you want to be doing.

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This Is A Worthiness Issue
Kayte Ferris Kayte Ferris

This Is A Worthiness Issue

I deserve what I desire. This is an affirmation I have started writing every morning, after listening to Jamie Varon’s book and her belief in the power of affirmations. I’ve never really been one for affirmations, but I do know that the science behind “tell yourself something is true often enough and you’ll believe it” is solid, so I am having a go at it. Seeing what happens.

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The Only Problem Is My Impatience
Kayte Ferris Kayte Ferris

The Only Problem Is My Impatience

I hadn’t realised until this year just how impatient I am. It must have always been there but perhaps I mistook it for something else: ambition, perhaps, or hustling. Looking back now I see my years of longing to be “further forward” and the frustration that I was “not there yet” to be symptomatic of my great capacity for impatience.

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The Trouble with Effort
Kayte Ferris Kayte Ferris

The Trouble with Effort

have become allergic to effort.

There was a seven minute gap between writing the end of that sentence and beginning this one, precisely because it was effort to think about what to write next. When I talk with my friend Jen about business growth ideas and things we could do more often than not my conclusion is “that would be good but honestly I can’t be arsed”.

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Q2 2022 Review
Kayte Ferris Kayte Ferris

Q2 2022 Review

Sunlight makes all the difference. I emerged into Q2 as if crawling out of a dank cave, and for a while I had to just lie there and soak up some light before getting to my feet. With the lengthening days came, on the whole, an uplift of mood and an end to the waiting – for green, for light, for life – of the previous three months.

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The Ambition Redirection Manifesto
Kayte Ferris Kayte Ferris

The Ambition Redirection Manifesto

Last summer I had the phrase “redirecting ambition into a life worth living” pop into my head. This was when I knew I had to shift my business towards something that worked better for me, but also had no idea what that direction would be. So driving along that summer afternoon I repeated the phrase over and over so I wouldn’t forget it before I could stop and write it down.

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Discovering The Rituals For Fulfilment
Kayte Ferris Kayte Ferris

Discovering The Rituals For Fulfilment

A lot of “ways to live your best life” are rituals. Morning routines. Evening routines. Tea ceremonies. Journaling practice. Candles. Baths. Standing in a forest. Breathwork. These are all things that are enticing to me, all things that at various stages over the last five years I’ve tried or thought about trying, all things I thought were missing.

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When I Am Not Here, I Am Not Living
Kayte Ferris Kayte Ferris

When I Am Not Here, I Am Not Living

Be here. Be here, be here, be here. This is the refrain that I’ve come to tell myself when I’m too much in my head. Often I am my most present on a walk in the hills, but even there I can sometimes find myself an hour in and realising I haven’t been there at all. I haven't really seen anything, I haven’t heard any birds, I haven’t been living in this life - I’ve been somewhere else entirely.

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This Is A Self Help Website
Kayte Ferris Kayte Ferris

This Is A Self Help Website

You may have heard, I’m a writer now. I go into more detail in this podcast episode, but long story short, that’s the job title I’ve now given myself, and the role I’m working to. But as much as this was something I wanted, something I was excited about, there was a problem - a problem of value. I couldn’t join up in my head how my role as a writer would be valuable enough to anyone else for them to buy the things I wrote.

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The Model of the Lone Woman (A Mini Read)
Kayte Ferris Kayte Ferris

The Model of the Lone Woman (A Mini Read)

I’d booked a table for dinner at 7pm, ludicrously early by Portuguese standards, and maybe that was part of it – knowing I was just a table for one and not wanting to take up the prime dinner tables later on in the evening. At this time there were fewer fellow diners to watch, and so I pulled out a book while I waited for my food.

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Who Am I Going To Be?
Kayte Ferris Kayte Ferris

Who Am I Going To Be?

My first day in Lisbon I was a little wobbly. I am staying at a co-living space, and although I have my own room and bathroom, the kitchen and living space is shared and there is just that dominating sense of there being people around which I am unused to. My first morning as I hear the sounds of breakfast spoons on bowls I feel so self-conscious I don’t even want to blow my nose.

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Q1 2022 Review
Kayte Ferris Kayte Ferris

Q1 2022 Review

When I think about Q1 I think about being very cold and very sad. I think of myself in my, ironically, bright yellow cheery coat, stomping down damp roads wondering why someone doesn’t want me. I think about the intricate timings of hot water bottles and plug in radiators to transition from being cold downstairs to being not so cold in bed. I think about dreaming and wishing and longing so hard for so many things.

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Where did my confidence go?
Kayte Ferris Kayte Ferris

Where did my confidence go?

I have, for some weeks now, put on my weekly list “Elidir Fawr”. Elidir Fawr is a mountain my end of the valley, one that I see more or less every time I leave the house, one that I look at now from the ladder stile on which I am writing this. In fact, here’s a picture:

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Some Personal News
Kayte Ferris Kayte Ferris

Some Personal News

It is wild, to watch while someone chooses not to be in love with you. They were right there with you on the edge, sharing smiles as the wind picks at your hair - but then they start to peel away. The endless lists of “we should go here”s turn into ignored invitations and un-followed-up “I'm busy”s.

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Is Hope a Good Thing or a Bad Thing?
Kayte Ferris Kayte Ferris

Is Hope a Good Thing or a Bad Thing?

I remember battling with this question of hope a year ago, in much the same situation: isolated at winter with a broken heart. It has re-emerged, now and again, over the last twelve months, this question of whether having hope actually makes things a lot worse.

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