The Blog

The emotions, actions and thought processes of my creative work.

This is where I share what I’m doing and why, how I’m thrashing out problems and what I’m trying to achieve.

Trusting The One Thing You Can Control
Simple Working Simple Working

Trusting The One Thing You Can Control

This post was first sent to my newsletter subscribers, and I thought I’d share it here as lots of people found it was what they needed to hear at the start of the year. If you’d like to get more pep talks like this to your inbox once a month (as well as a reading/listening list of resources) then you can sign up to my mailing list here

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Create The Product *You* Want To Buy
Simple Working Simple Working

Create The Product *You* Want To Buy

Whenever we want to create something new in our business, we tend to start with ‘what do people want?’. This is good! In fact, you might go so far as to say that it’s a pretty hard and fast rule of business ownership – create products that your customer really wants. Do surveys and research and put together their suggestions with your know-how and hey presto! But sometimes, business ownership means breaking the rules…

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My Course Creation Process
Simple Working Simple Working

My Course Creation Process

Creating an e-course can feel like an overwhelming piece of work – developing the idea into an outline, spending weeks or months writing the course content, deciding whether to use video or images or slides or whatever else, figuring out the tech to deliver the course, and then all of the selling or marketing.

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A 6 Month Business Check In
Simple Working Simple Working

A 6 Month Business Check In

As I wrote to my Monthly Mail subscribers this month, June is a good time to take stock on our year. As I wrote then, “It’s always useful to take occasional bird’s eye views on the state of our businesses, to take a climb up the mountain and survey the land below.

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Inside A Failure
Simple Working Simple Working

Inside A Failure

We need to talk about failure. We need to normalise it, to take away that paralysing fear of it. We live in a world where gurus leap at any chance to talk about sold out launches and six figure businesses, where the most visible people and products are the traditionally “successful” ones, and where success is publicly ranked by numbers next to a username and underneath a photograph.

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