The Blog
The emotions, actions and thought processes of my creative work.
This is where I share what I’m doing and why, how I’m thrashing out problems and what I’m trying to achieve.
Experiencing ‘The Fear’ In My Business
Here’s the truth: I’ve got ‘The Fear’. The fear of showing up and being visible with my work, the fear of talking about what I do, the fear of creating anything new.
Renegotiating My Relationship With Instagram
A few months ago, Instagram and I reached an impasse. It had been a long time coming. For a while I had struggled with showing up there, feeling bound to it by its necessity to my business but deeply uncomfortable with all the layers of the ropes that weren’t really working for anyone.
Turns Out, I Could – Stories from August 2019
Last week I ran a small community project on Instagram, inviting people to share a story of something they never thought they’d be able to do, but did; something it turned out, they could.
A 3 Step Process To Lose The Dread Of ‘I Have To’
Something I encounter pervasively is the feeling we ‘have to’ do something in our business that feels draining or just ‘not right’. This is not just in the women I work with, but also within myself – I really feel the weight of expectation and duty without remembering to really question it.
Medicine For Procrastination Season
In the northern hemisphere, we’re entering what I like to call Procrastination Season. It’s ironic, I always think, that while the long days of summer bring us more time, they also bring more procrastination.
When You Feel Ashamed Of Your Goals
A few weeks ago, in my 6 Month Business Check In, I shared a new goal that had come up from the planning process: to start making six figures and scale from next year.
A 6 Month Business Check In
As I wrote to my Monthly Mail subscribers this month, June is a good time to take stock on our year. As I wrote then, “It’s always useful to take occasional bird’s eye views on the state of our businesses, to take a climb up the mountain and survey the land below.
Accepting Your Version Of Ambition
Lately, I’ve seen the anti-hustle mentality start to creep into the mainstream, with articles in national press like Red magazine and the New Statesman.
How I Got Out Of A Financial Rut
If you read the post The Problem With Intention a few weeks ago, you’ll know that in April I had a financial dip – my worst month in business since I started.
Some Thoughts on Vulnerability and Saturation
Over the last few months, I think we’ve all felt a shift in the online landscape, and the conversations I’ve had with clients have reflected this. It started with questions about whether anyone even buys e-courses anymore, or the market being saturated and people struggling to stand out.
Why Inspirational Quotes Might Not Be ‘Working’ For Everyone
Lately I’ve had a deluge of inspirational quotes hit my Instagram Explore page, the algorithmic response for clicking and liking one or two choice posts (coincidentally an accidental click is also why I’m getting served a lot of Jonas Brothers content right now too).
Can You Start A Business Before You’ve Got A Product Or Service?
I was asked this question directly, but have also seen variations of it wafting around the internet: “can I start a business when I don’t know what I want to do yet?”
The Problem With Intention
This is a story about what happens when the balance between intention and action gets knocked out of equilibrium.
Loneliness and the Lies We Tell
When we first told the family we were moving away, my mum told me “you’ll be lonely”. And of course, from that point on, I was adamant I wouldn’t be.
My Experience Using Tarot In Decision Making
In last week’s The Little Chapters podcast episode, Jess and I talked about ‘Woo’ – the beliefs and practises we hold that aren’t governed by empirical science or logic, and are perhaps a little ‘out there’.
Understanding The Customer Journey
If you listen to Grow With Soul you will have heard me mention The Customer Journey off hand in several coaching episodes, and I’m conscious that I haven’t really gone into the theory of it.
How To Prioritise Better by Writing Your Job Description
One of the big problems we all come up against running our own businesses is knowing (and sticking to!) what our actual job is.
The Work/Life Graph
I’ve been thinking a lot about balance lately, and trying to figure out how to inject more living into my life. I love my work a little too much, so much so that it has become more or less all I think about, talk about and do with my days.